The Gun Debate and Why the World Looks at Us Funny
Paul Hayne 10 hrs · Just a question but can someone give me an example of murderous criminal obeying a gun law? Like Comment Share Matt Palmer likes this. Comments Alex McDowell All of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the rest of the "civilized" world. Like · Reply · 9 hrs Hide 15 Replies Paul Hayne How about Paris? Like · Reply · 9 hrs Alex McDowell How about Paris? Fewer gun deaths by far than in the US, regardless of the recent attacks. Fewer gun deaths in a decade than most American cities half that size in a week. Like · Reply · 9 hrs Paul Hayne Like I said give me an example of a criminal obeying the gun laws in place. It is not about the gun it is about the culture. Like · Reply · 9 hrs Alex McDowell Here we have a culture that glorifies and fetishizes guns. Not for our freedoms to own ...