Advertising for the Free Market Death Cult
We are nothing but consuming units for a death cult of moneyed interests. And they will use every trick in the book to make sure we are not paying attention. Like playing on our emotions to make us think recycling is going to be the answer to our waste problems, by making a cute little plastic bottle have dreams of seeing the ocean as a recycled bench (also playing on our innate credulity about the after-life). Anthropomorphizing a plastic bottle in the commercial isn't about recycling. It's about the plastic industry telling us it's okay to consume more plastics. Ironic that they would use a bench, looking at the sea, since that's where all of the plastic waste ends up. Just because they sell us billions of tons of worthless plasticized crap every year, it's not their fault that we don't recycle . Probably the most offensive ad on TV.