
Showing posts from February, 2018

Fear of Soros

There is a conspiracy of people from the socialist left in America to destroy the country and steal democracy from us, probably led and funded by George Soros. So says Fox News, Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, the Mellon and Scaife Families, The Petroleum Institute, The Heritage Foundation, The NRA (guns), The NRA (Restaurants), The Chambers of Commerce (National, state, and local), 90% of your Christian churches, all television preachers, ALEC, AEI, AIPAC, CPAC, the US military, the cops, the police, the CIA, the FBI, all the banking lobbies and associations, the pharmaceutical cartels, the GOP, most of the Democratic Party, your crazy Uncle Cletus, the KKK, tabloid journals, white nationalists, all corporate boards, and a host of others. Repeatedly, loudly, and constantly. Pay your taxes, go to work, cash your meager checks, don't complain, salute the flag, and praise Jebuz, or you might be one of them....

The Gun Debate is Ass-Backwards

                    "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".    The premise has it exactly backwards.The only reason outlaws HAVE guns is because they are legal and easily accessible. Guns don't fall out of some "bad guys" gun heaven. They are legally manufactured, legally put on the market.   "Bad guys" (however you decide to subjectively define them) acquire them by several methods. They may get them legally, passing all background checks, and by all definitions even intend to be the "good guy" until they have an accident, or snap, or find that a nefarious use for them turns out to be something they think might be advantageous at the time.   They can buy them through legal loopholes, bypassing checks.   They may purchase them illegally.    They may steal them from "good guys". We're hearing more and more stories of people breaking into houses specifically to steal guns. Anything the...