Your Intrepid Reporter is Eye-Ball Deep in it Again

This is what I found most objectionable in yesterdays decision besides the woman's issue. the Supreme Court found that closely held corporation are equivalent to a person under the constitution. this has far reaching consequences.
  • Maggie Wellington Just you wait......
  • Veronica Lowe Salreno I agree. This is just the beginning.
  • Ron Solove Does it follow that the corporate veil is gone for closely-helds? Seems logical.
  • Ryan Neely i read viagra and other male "enhancements" are covered.
  • Debbie Donatelli Ryan Does that surprise you!?
  • Ryan Neely not at all...i would say lol but it's not that funny.
  • Debbie Donatelli Ryan It really isn't It scares me that these people who are out of touch for sure are making major decisions We are really in trouble
  • Michael Alexander Interesting side bar. All the justices who voted against women are catholic.
  • Melissa Sinistro I agree with Justice Ginsburg's comments. The voice of reason was drowned out!
  • Loraine Tomocik I need to call you soon
  • Hanna Kassis This is Capitalism.
  • Hanna Kassis Communism - all the wealth is controlled by a handful of individuals. Capitalism - all the wealth is controlled by a handful of individuals.
  • Patt Pernice does it mean a corporation can now deny me medical benefits if I come down with a catastrophic illness???
  • David Betras Corporations are not people. people are people seems pretty simple to me.
  • Alex McDowell Corporations are people. People (humans) are nobody. Welcome to the new GOP reality.
  • Deb Niarhos People own corporations and birth control has always been affordable and has nothing to do with women health
  • Alex McDowell And people who own corporations own other people, so they can tell them what to do about their personal health decisions, and any other private matter as long as they pay them? And by "pay them", I mean whatever rate they see fit, whether it's anywhere near a living wage or not?
  • Deb Niarhos Birth control has nothing to do with health!!!!
  • Deb Niarhos Give me a break if you don't like the benefits offered go work somewhere else. I don't want the government telling me what is best for me either
  • Alex McDowell Wheee!!!! Tea!!!!
  • Deb Niarhos Taxed enough already
  • Deb Niarhos Instead of worrying about hobby lobby how about term limits and a fair tax abolish the corrupt IRS and get rid of career politicians
  • Alex McDowell We have term limits. Potentially. The way it should be. A well informed populace going to the voting booths.
  • Alex McDowell And I shiver to think of what you might think is a "fair tax".
  • Gerry Ricciutti No it doesn' only effects corporations where more than half the shares are held by no more than five will NOT effect the GM's and Walmarts of the world....and I'm surprised at you....I'm sure you took business law classes -- I did. And the first thing I was taught was that corporations are considered "persons" under the law....and that was years ago....have Con Law classes changed that much....I don't think so....
  • Leo Jennings Reinforces the ludicrous Citizens United ruling which was equally disturbing and damaging.
  • Deb Niarhos A fair tax means everyone pays taxes and if no one runs against an incumbent who do we vote for I hope you are not suggesting we verify how well informed voters are we can't even ask for ID
  • Alex McDowell Wow. Are you a "birther", too?
  • Michael Alexander Deb. Let me get this straight . Birth control has nothing to do with health!!?? And your a nurse? Unbelievable
  • Christina Circle It doesn't have anything to do with health. Birth control is an option. Some believe in it some don't. It's a personal choice. I was on birth control for years and not once was it ever coveted under my insurance. I PAID FOR IT WITH CASH THAT I EARNED. IT'S CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Which is a huge problem in our country today.
    9 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mona Rouser All I can say is wait till a company doesn't want to pay for cancer treatment, blood transfusions or even pay for an operations because some religions don't believe in treatment they think God will cure them! Also many women need birth control pills for medical reasons, I know because I needed it for years to treat Endometriosis before I finally needed surgery. Oh by the way health insurance pays for VIAGRA! If they want to stop abortions then women need birth control not to get pregnant in the first place!
    8 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • Christina Circle Sex is a choice that comes with responsibility. And no one is saying birth control pills should be outlawed just not covered under insurance. Birth control pills are affordable. If someone can't afford to buy birth control they certainly should not be having a baby.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell " If someone can't afford to buy birth control they certainly should not be having a baby." You don't see a certain disassociation with that remark?
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle No I don't. It's common sense. There are many ways to practice birth control some are free!
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • David Betras HERE IS A SHOCKER. some women are on birth control for medical reason and not having sex. SHOCKER ALERT.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell Ok. *Backs away slowly...
  • Christina Circle I'm tired of the government using my tax dollars to support things I don't believe in. To give to countries that don't even like us. To support people who work the welfare system and abuse it and they ruin it for others who truly need it.
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • David Betras Omg omg omg do you even read do you know what the court said the solution was? for the govt to pay. this is the problem people do not read
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle Yes I know. I was for awhile too. But I still paid for it with money I earned.
  • David Betras this is wonderful but many are getting paid below poverty wages bc of the minimum wage and the jog creators flying in luxury planes . pls do not getme started on the wage inequality stuff and how govt is helping the job creators with huge tax breaks. pls
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle I read a lot watch a lot and have learned a lot. I am open to conversation and understanding others opinion.
  • Alex McDowell " I'm tired of the government using my tax dollars to support things I don't believe in. To give to countries that don't even like us. To support people who work the welfare system and abuse it and they ruin it for others who truly need it."
    I know what you mean. Oil companies, Walmart, McDonald's, arms dealers, Halliburton. I'm a pacifist, so I think I should get a rebate on wars of choice run by liars. As an atheist, I'm against the welfare of the churches, to the tune of tax breaks of some 81 billion a year. And, yeah, I'm also a Malthusian, so I'm against tax breaks for people having kids. Birth control, I'll pay for. It's cheaper, more effective, more fair, and less damaging to all of us.
    But, mostly, I'm against giving special status for corporations to make laws. There's a word for that. (Well, several). The one that comes to mind is fascism. Look it up.
  • Alex McDowell
    About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion i... See More
  • Christina Circle I totally agree with that Dave but when it comes to charity I like to pick my own deserving people or choice not the gov.
  • Alex McDowell Cognitive dissonance runs rampant in the bubble of the comfortable.
  • Christina Circle Are you mocking me Alex?
  • Alex McDowell Does the shoe fit?
  • Christina Circle I'm being honest. That's who I am. I never liked being told what to do. I'm no expert in economics and don't pretend to be but it's common sense to me to not spend money I don't have and to be responsible for my own actions. Young mothers ate having babies purposely with different men repeatedly in order to collect more welfare dollars it's reality. Go to Walmart. They can and have been able to for many years pick up birth control at planned patenthood. They don't want it.
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • Alex McDowell Ah. The old myth of the welfare queens.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell And, yes. I copied that from your timeline. To mock you.
  • David Betras I may not agree with Alex religious views but I can tell you he has more compassion for his fellow man than many practicing Christians I know
    8 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Christina Circle I have to get back to you Alex as I have to run to show some houses. I work full time as a realtor and have 2 part time jobs to help me pay bills while I rebuild my real estate business after relocating from ohio. I am interested in reading this.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle Myth. It's a fact.
  • David Betras it is a myth sorry.
    8 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Christina Circle So you guys think in heart less and not compassionate? Those who know me well would beg to differ. I don't think the gov is doing anyone any service by paying for everything or giving free this and free that. My ancestors came here from Italy to work to create opport unity for themselves.
  • Christina Circle How is it a myth?
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle This is why I don't get involved in politics because no one really listens to what the other is saying or their point of view. Our country is in so much turmoil with so many problems so tangled that it scares me.
    7 hrs · Like · 2
  • Christina Circle I don't like to be mocked alex. I haven't mocked you for being an atheist.
    7 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle I have headache now. Who is going to pay for my advil?
    7 hrs · Like · 2
  • Christina Circle If the government wouldn't get involved in people's personal issues like birth control abortion Dame sex marriage etc . There would not be an argument. People would have choices to make and pick a health care solution that fits their own personal beliefs rather than being told the have to have this such insurance which covers such and such. Why should anyone pay for any part of insurance if they don't need it? Individual insurance companies can and used to create programs for people instead of the government.
    6 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell Yeah. I get your meaning. It all went down hill when they let mixed marriages and them non-white people eat at Woolworth's. And the insurance companies did a fine job of keeping healthcare costs down and reasonable if there wasn't this pesky interference from the gubmint. And same sex marriage? Why should those people that do sex in that icky way I don't like be considered equal citizens?
  • Alex McDowell And my god-given Christian beliefs (no matter HOW I interpret them)should ALWAYS trump U.S. law:
    Like Maurice Bessinger, Hobby Lobby represents another, less blatant generation ... See More
  • Deb Niarhos I was on birth control for medical reasons and still managed to pay for it 35 years ago I stopped taking it because it is not good to be on hormones that are in birth control pills over a long period of time I chose to have elective sterilization. Not only have I been a nurse for 32 years I am actively involved in the Harvard medical women's health study. I always enjoy Men lecturing me on women's health I am pretty pregnancy is not a disease state
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Deb Niarhos We need to quit legislating morality and oh I don't know balance the budget??!!!
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell You do realize that the deficit has been shrinking? And that all the "budget balancing, fiscally responsible" Republicans have been the ones who consistently blow the deficit up? Every damn one since Eisenhower. All while touting "smaller government"...
  • Alex McDowell All while sucking up to moral authority who want to legislate their particular beliefs like the "Moral Majority"?
  • Deb Niarhos Did you now that hobby lobby pays more than the current minimum wage and if person can't buy afford to buy a condom you can have babies and go on welfare it is a fact by the way Obama has yet to give congress a budget to pass
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell Wow. Cool. Hobby Lobby knows which contraceptives each of their employees needs, because the CEO is a doctor. And the President has submitted budgets every time, which the current GOP controlled congress fought every damn time. Remember the governmen shutdowns thaat cost us our debt rating?Like they fought everything. Like they plotted in secret on the day of the first inauguration.
  • Alex McDowell Your Teabag Party is so full of hypocrisy that there's no room left for anything that appears like reason.
  • Alex McDowell You never answered my earlier question. Are you now, or have you ever been (or flirted with being) a "birther"?
  • Deb Niarhos Contraception is a choice I am the member of no party and you know nothing about me but I git you figured cuz baiting liberals is a hobby for me I love the crap you spew
  • Christina Circle Wow. Why can't we have a conversation about a birth control instead of putting all the other issues or THERE TO DEBATE AT THE SAME TIME?
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle I'm not a tea party person. I'm a registered democrat.
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell " I am the member of no party and you know nothing about me "
    Alex McDowell Wheee!!!! Tea!!!!
    20 hours ago · Like · 2

    Deb Niarhos Taxed enough already
  • Deb Niarhos Just stated what tea party stands for Alex didn't say I was a member and perhaps you need a life cuz that's creepy I was at work all day so I can pay more than my fair share of taxes
  • Alex McDowell "Christina Circle Wow. Why can't we have a conversation about a birth control instead of putting all the other issues or THERE TO DEBATE AT THE SAME TIME?"
    "I'm tired of the government using my tax dollars to support things I don't believe in. To give to countries that don't even like us. To support people who work the welfare system and abuse it and they ruin it for others who truly need it."
  • Alex McDowell And Deb, I feel sorry that you're having to pay more taxes than you think you should. Maybe your burden wouldn't be so bad if we had churches, the %1, and corporations paying their fair share. Social welfare programs are a tiny percentage of the amount these pikers have stolen from our coffers. All while retaining the power to interpret the law the way they demand.
  • Deb Niarhos I do not need your pity I live well and you have way too much hate in your heart how very sad . A fair tax would mean we all pay tax say 2% for argument 2% of a million is way more than 2% of $100,000 that is fair and create opportunities to get people working and off welfare
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christina Circle I was using that as an example to support my point about birth control pills .
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Deb Niarhos Alex you seem very defensive churches that follow the bible have the right to their religious freedom even if they don't agree with you sorry to say
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell We're not talking about the Christian church's having equal rights. We're talking about SUPERIOR consideration.
  • Alex McDowell A %2 tax, for instance, on an income of 14,000 is way more of a burden than a %2 tax on a million.
  • Deb Niarhos Ok how about temples and mosques what rights should they have
  • Deb Niarhos It is still 2% the guy that earned a million has a right to his money
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell The right to worship as they see fit, without the added privileges to dodge taxes and make laws for the rest of us, and ignore the ones they don't like. "Equal justice under the law".
  • Deb Niarhos David you catholic boy from CMHS what would the pope say about your party's platform? See I really have an issue with those that go to church yet vote against their beliefs there lies true hypocrisy
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell The guy that makes a million takes a far bigger chunk of public resources.
  • Deb Niarhos Oh but we have tax exempted religion so if the mosques invoke sharia law you are ok with that?
  • Deb Niarhos Public resources huh I bet he donates a crap load to charity too
  • Alex McDowell Where did you get that idea? I'm saying Sharia, or Papal, or Baptist...ALL of them have no place in making the rest of us kow-tow to their myths.
  • Deb Niarhos Rich people are not evil
  • Christina Circle I agree with a flat tax to. Don't Forget The RICH who get tax breaks are the filthy rich of BOTH parties. Not just Republicans. Having spent many years working for a fundraising firm the very rich give a lot of money to charitable organizations and if the very rich weren't very rich we wouldn't ALL have much less wonderful things such as the arts. People need to accept that there will always be rich or poor people. We all have the ability to change or circumstances if we choose to.
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell Actually, any poll you look at shows working stiffs give a larger percentage than the wealthy.
  • Deb Niarhos No but they have their rights
  • Deb Niarhos Really how much does bill gates give to charity back you statements up with facts you are just spouting rhetoric I can get that from MSNBC
  • Alex McDowell They don't have the right to trump other people's rights. And that's why David, who's a lawyer as well as a politician, knows (as JFK did, before him) that the law of the land comes from the Constitution, and not from the church.
  • Alex McDowell Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are outliers, not the norm.
  • Deb Niarhos The constitution protects religion and it's freedom did you read it???
  • Deb Niarhos Gee the wealthy people I know donate a lot to charity
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alex McDowell
    The wealthiest Americans donate 1.3 percent of their income; the poorest, 3.2 percent. What's up with that?
  • Deb Niarhos You can quit posting you rhetoric it means nothing to me just as if I would post Fox News bites to you
  • Alex McDowell Cool. Then maybe we could talk about wage theft, slavery, union busting, and market manipulation. You know, the things workers have little to no control over these days, the things that make the working poor in this country so much poorer and powerless...See More
  • Deb Niarhos I was a union member I would love to have my union dues back I don't know where you are but I live in a place far nicer than you do the jimmy Hoffa unions nice ... No corruption there you need to get out of the 90's the Clinton's are old and the middle class is oppressed by too much government interference in our day to day lives the unions time has come and gone they are out for themselves Try again
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • David Betras Just bc I'm dem doesn't mean I forgo my beliefs. But my beliefs are mine it's private I don't impose what I believe on others.
    3 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Deb Niarhos But your party supports abortion I am not imposing my beliefs but I could never belong to a group that was against my foundation my beliefs so I am the hypocrite? I am who I am I am an orthodox Christian I am pro life I am pro women and I will not make excuses or compromise my faith or who I am for anyone or any party or anything
  • Alex McDowell I'm going to have let Dave handle that one. But the bible is not anti-abortion.
  • Alex McDowell And while we're talking about the wealthy and what we deserve to pay them, please peruse this article:
    All across America, Wall Street is grabbing money meant for public workers
  • Alex McDowell
    MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: mSeattle) Salon recently posted an article entitled,"Conspiracy of the Plutocrats: Secrets...
  • Christina Circle
    A new study looks at charitable giving by state and how the states voted in the ... See More
  • Christina Circle
    Where people live has a great influence on how much they give—and so do tax incentives, faith, and politics.
  • Alex McDowell From the same article. When the fear of god, delivered from the pulpit is taken away, it's an altogether different story:
    "When religious giving isn’t counted, the geography of giving is very different. Some states in the Northeast jump into the top 10 when secular gifts alone are counted. New York would vault from No. 18 to No. 2, and Pennsylvania would climb from No. 40 to No. 4."
  • Christina Circle
    There are two major ideologies in American politics. Understanding these helps u... See More
  • Christina Circle Some interesting reads.
  • Alex McDowell Right off the bat, this is subjective and needs to be read "with a grain of salt":
    "Conservative Vs. Liberal

    At the core of it, Conservatives base there ideology on what they see as reason and logic and it is individualistic by nature, whereas a liberal's ideology is based on emotion and ideals and is collective by nature. A liberal is interested in curing society's ills by social engineering. A conservative is interested in curing society's ills by individuals exercising their own choices to better themselves. Because of this, conservatives view centralized power with deep suspicion. Liberals on the other hand see centralized power as an opportunity to affect great change for good."

    Conservatives, for instance, have no problem with centralized power. They just choose to not recognize it when it shows up as monopolies or market manipulators.
  • Alex McDowell "The Liberal View

    A liberal wants the government deeply involved in our lives. It is often seen as a parent to us all—or the big tent. They believe that the government can force society to confront its ills and legislate and enforce the cures. A liber
    al point of view diminishes the individual's responsibility and believes people are victims or victimizers. This point of view does not see individuals as having power to rise above their circumstances in large numbers and therefore a savior must be found to "level the playing field."
    The Conservative View

    Even though the conservatives share with liberals the desire for a better society, they differ sharply in what role the government should play. In a nut shell, conservatives view the role of government as "the less the better." Since they see the combined strength and sufficiency of the individual as the only honest cure for society they believe that the role of government should be restricted to functions that support and protect individual liberty. They are very suspicious of government interference in individual rights, and they do not see differences in socioeconomic groups as a bad thing since, in their view, it is every individual's right to change those circumstances by choice and action."

    Unless, of course, you're talking about vaginas or collective bargaining.
    Hell, throw the whole damn salt mine at it.
  • Alex McDowell You're being had by crooks, dear, and you don't know it. It all has a certain amount of "truthiness" (ty, Colbert!) to it.
  • Alex McDowell "At the core of it, Conservatives base there ideology on what they see as reason and logic and it is individualistic by nature, whereas a liberal's ideology is based on emotion and ideals and is collective by nature"
    Denial of science and history is reason and logic?
  • Alex McDowell Your "individualistic conservatives" led us into the first Great Depression, and almost did it again, and may yet still do it.
  • Alex McDowell


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