Je Suis Charlie 3

I had to add this from another facebook friend, since it was apropos, and so damn near perfect. Thank you, Bj Ferguson for permission to copy and paste this:

Bj Ferguson
///Not to fall back upon the usual cliché, but this puts me in mind of much of what happened, prior to WWII. Many citizens living in their, then occupied by Nazis homelands, were told to cooperate and not rile the officers, as they swaggered through town, taking whatever they wanted, doing as they
pleased. The only problem was, the Nazis had an agenda. It did not matter how they were regarded or treated, they believed in the tenets of their Party, and the words of their leader. To them, with or without instigation of any manner, they felt they had a perfect right to kill Jews, Gypsies, Non-Aryan people, whom they considered less than human, and anyone who did not believe the Nazi Party was the Divine Party, destined to Rule the world.

There are thousands of stories told of how the Nazis would kill for sport, ego, financial gain, and to purge the area of the sort of people they believed were not worthy of life. So don’t tell me that writers and cartoonists should not provoke the extremists, or that respecting their absurd beliefs, which include the belief that they should kill those who do not convert to those absurd beliefs, will stop the attacks.

Don’t tell me that they, crazy, violent, female-abusing, hundreds of years behind the times, and rigidly bent towards killing, rather than getting along with those with whom they disagree, need to be respected and handled with kid-gloves. They don’t get to be evil and respected….It doesn’t work that way. They don’t get to believe in the most ridiculous crazy bullshit, and be pissed off because I think it’s stupid and, yes, even laughable. It doesn’t work that way. I don’t yield to fucking lunatics….And no one should ever be told they should have to, because that’s how you keep the peace….At least not in a SANE world.

Religious zealots are not interested in peace…not the making of it, or the keeping of it. They are not concerned with getting along with others, with respecting the lives and rights of others….

So don’t tell me they should be given what they have no intention of ever extending to others…..It just doesn’t work that way!


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