Hillary Supporters and Misplaced Blame

I'm going to say this once. You can reply, if you want. Here, or in person. But I'm not going to engage in the argument. I may not even read the responses here. (Not sure.) I know where you stand, almost entirely, and as much as you will deny it, I understand your argument. I just reject it. Entirely. I'm going to piss off a lot of friends. Even close ones. But so be it. Here goes.
I voted for Jill Stein. I did not affect the results by doing so. The math proves us out on that.
I got the most vicious attacks and vitriol from the Hillary camp for this. Mostly, pro-Bernie people that switched their allegiance for perceived pragmatic purposes. They blame us.
Here's where it gets ugly. I'm not angry for your choice. But I do switch the blame to you.
It is our contention (the %10 of Bernie people that refused to go along) that Hillary was not and never was an acceptable candidate. Worse, that the people that switched to her were too forgiving of her faults.
The proper response, THE ONLY RESPONSE, was to look more critically at who her friends were, where her money came from, who she pandered to, and who she condescended to. Who she REALLY listened to, and who she really was just brushing off. At least at the point where Tim Kaine was chosen to be the VP, but at the latest, by the time the rules committee met in Philadelphia, certainly before the official nomination and balloon drop, we should have (as %10 of us did) said loudly, and in unison, "This is not acceptable. And we will not budge." And walked. We should have, effectively, burned the Democratic Party to the ground.
By switching to Hillary, you have given the message that the DNC is basically a new version of the GOP. You diluted the message. You thought we could fix the problems post facto, but the writing was on the wall. You insulted us before the nomination for sticking to Bernie, and cast us as demons after. NEVER, IN NO SHAPE OR FORM, did the Hillary camp give us the indication that they were going to ask for nor earn our support. I think if you had taken a closer look too, you would have realized that, but the Trump-fear was all that mattered.
Result? We got President Trump anyway, and the DNC just thinks they have to do the same things, only better.
We not only got zero hope of change. We got a whole generation that is now cowed into the same fear-response and timid, incremental perceived change.
The DNC will die a slow, painful death by their own designs. And it will take time, and it will damage a lot of people. We could have changed it in one election, or put it out of its misery in one fell swoop.
FDR told us, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." We turned the Democratic Party into a party of fear. Look what it got us.
Get it to change. Now. Drastically. Radically, even. Or we WILL put it down like the tired old dog it has become.
Thank you for reading this far. It's an opinion, damn it. Not worthy of "unfriending" . But as we all did in the election, do what you think you have to. I, for one, will understand.


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