Palin Watch

The Quittah From Wassillah is on a national book tour. There's going to be a lot of Palinisms to catch from her take on "slavery" to her doubts about the liberalism of Pope Frank. Watch this space.

Pope may be too liberal. Hard to tell...

Oldie, but goodie:
Palin decries use of veterans as props, while using veterans as a prop. Gets called out by a vet.

Word salad gets rotten:

Today Show. War on Xmas. Attacks on "moderate GOP". Lauer goes soft...

The "I'm no racist, but" racist ploy:

Palin talks slavery with no clue.
Then doubles down on that stupidity.
God trumps the constitution:

If you don't believe in my religion, the constitution is not going to help you.
Dan Savage makes a valiant attempt to review the Palin book on Christmas:
Again, someone is foisting the lie that Sarah is going to try to run for the White House. She is NOT running. She's merely trolling for free money. And she will get it. ...:

And The Palin Word Salad Effect:
And a happy Martin Luther Kind Jr. Day to all of us from the one who just can't possibly keep her mouth shut:
Sarah goes all "hypocriticky" on the State of the Union Address.
Palin 2016?

Even the next generation has some gall. Bristol Palin has to tell us what hard work and sacrifice does for you.
Van Jones takes her to task for her support of Ted Nugent's racist rant:
Gone full bonkers:

Nuke Russia...and um...stuff!
"It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you.":

Esquire on the 2014 Palin CPAC speech.
The circus is winding down. Sarah's on her way to being a trivia question that few will remember the answer to. I will miss her:
Yet, she's still flapping her gums and flopping breathlessly on the ground:

the “most influential woman in the history of the republican party” - See more at:
The "most influential woman in the history of the Republican Party" gives what is quite possibly a drunken 30 minute screech. The train wreck keeps on going off the tracks.

She just won't shut up, even when she has nothing to say:

Audio and pictures from the "Thrilla in Wassilla", police tapes from the aftermath of the drunken Palin brawl.

Almost a heartbeat from the White House...SMH

Sarah tries to put a thought together and fails miserably on term limits on her own FOR PAY web show:

the “most influential woman in the history of the republican party” - See more at:


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