
Showing posts from March, 2014

Lies or Ignorance: The Far Right

The far right has been lying to us about everything for a long, long time. If you use any of these talking points EVER, you're either immorally and unethically lying, or you're an idiot. There is absolutely no other option. Why The Far-Right Is On The Wrong Side Of Reason, Morality, Humanity and History April 7, 2013 | Author Steve Harvey Jon Stewart on right-wing FOX News lies, corporate greed, and definitions of "welfare".

Bernie Sanders for President?

 Bernie Sanders "I am prepared to run for president of the United States"   He would get crushed. Sadly. We need his voice in the Senate. Why?   Here's one of our finest moments in 21st Century American Politics. (There are so few...) The Bernie Sanders "Filibuster"   Word is that he may run as a (D). I would love to vote for him, but he wouldn't make it out of Iowa.   I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing. If he ran as a Dem, he could still hold his seat in the Senate, and possibly move the discussion a little more leftward. But a Sanders run would be only symbolic. And destructive if he ran as an Independent.   Sadly, these are the political realities we have to deal with.   It's just a dream. A sweet dream, but just a pipe dream. And we have our dreamers:   I like to think we can...

Tax Burdens

The other point to be made is whom do our taxes go to support? Do I use an airport and an FAA as much as some CEO who needs to go places and ship his goods? How about an FCC that has more to do with facilitating how they can advertize than for my edification and entertainment. Does anyone think the highways were built so you can go visit your Aunt Ida? The court system? The cops? Are they there to serve MY interests as much as someone who can afford the armies of lawyers? The military? Fighting wars of choice to keep trade going? The schools? Training workers... Banking and finance? All set up to maximize profits. Is a working guy benefiting from profits to the tune of the monied interests? Of course not. He's got a wage. And we've seen the benefits of expanding profits to the working class. Look at any chart. The entire system is set up for their benefit. And I'm not even talking about "direct" subsidies. EVERYTHING is a corporate subsidy. And no...

Proud America Microwave Buttered Popcorn

  No shit.   Claims to support the Boy Scouts of America.     Honest to Xenu, the box art on it looks like the intro to the Colbert Report.   If you want to do popcorn, as a "proud American" I would think you would pull out the pot, throw a bit of oil in it, and shake that mother over the stove. Make a family, social thing out of it. Like the Natives did with the Pilgrims....if you like to think of it that way.   But, as a real American, you would pull out a prepackaged paper bag, toss it in the magic popcorn machine, and rip it open when it has no more things popping in it... then shove the contents down your throat as fast as you can to try to fill the hole that you feel from being a true American consumer, and supporting the closest thing we have to the Hitler Youth. Or whatever other hole you have in your heart.   I'm doing mine while polishing off a bottle of Spanish Tempranillo...   Even as microwave crap, it's pretty bad...But ...

I Got Some Flack On My Prison/Slave Trade Blogposts.

Image But something just doesn't add up. Let me know what you think: Alex McDowell Philosophy, politics, and religion from behind the bar.: Modern American Slaves: Private Prisons... Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 1 · 20 hours ago Steve Vance The presumption of the article is biased a lie... "Once we've shipped jobs overseas, devalued our labor force, and put millions out of work, what do you have? Desperate people. And desperate people are more likely to commit crimes." There is NO cause and effect between the items mentioned and crime statistics. In fact the article from the Atlantic Times - which speaks to FBI statistics - actually shows crime is down in the curren economy. http://www....

I Was Right And I'm not at all happy about it. Sickened, actually. It seems that faux-museum operator Ken Ham has gotten the funding he needed to start working on his replica of Noah's Ark, much of it in loans from public tax-payer funds. Some think he succeeded in getting the backing on the fame he generated from the debate with Bill Nye. Crazy bullshit will get you further in this world than being rational or working...

Cornel West, Leftist
