I Got Some Flack On My Prison/Slave Trade Blogposts.
But something just doesn't add up. Let me know what you think:
But something just doesn't add up. Let me know what you think:
- Steve Vance The presumption of the article is biased a lie... "Once we've shipped jobs overseas, devalued our labor force, and put millions out of work, what do you have? Desperate people. And desperate people are more likely to commit crimes." There is NO cause and effect between the items mentioned and crime statistics. In fact the article from the Atlantic Times - which speaks to FBI statistics - actually shows crime is down in the curren economy.
As such - the entire premise of "prison slaves is totally bogus" and worth less than brown stained toilet paper (which at least served some good purpose)
Here's the other thing - the wages earned (93 cents per day) are on top of all their housing, food, etc. etc. - IT'S 100% PURE PROFIT TO THE INMATE. If you and I make $15 bucks an hour - we've got to pay rent, utlities, by food, etc. etc. And just so you know - 93 cents would be a profit on minimum wage of over 10%!! That's a greater profit than many businesses are making!!
Come on folks - use your brains! Dust them off and dig for the facts - don't be mindless sheep for the liberal media to wind you up like puppets! FREE YOUR MIND from intellectual slavery!
Criminologists say bad economies create more crime; economists say the opposite. But recent data reveals neither explanation is right. - Alex McDowell Ok. Then why do we have more people in plain numbers and per capita in the prison system than any other country on earth? And more than we have ever had? And a constantly rising number? If it isn't the economics, then it must be the laws. Pure profit? To be put in a cage? The slaves on the plantation had it good because they got three squares and a cot?
- Alex McDowell Let me take a wild guess from your post and the lack of info on your profile. You work in law enforcement? I'll go further. Prisons? CCA?
- Alex McDowell Or just one of the companies that make huge profits by not paying free people working wages, and poaching off of prison labor for next to nothing?
- Alex McDowell Something here certainly does not add up.
Watch this space.
There is motive behind this divided country and this crumbling nation. Follow the money.
CCA under investigation for violence and negligence in Idaho.