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I copied and pasted this to the Shelbyville, Indiana city website. Just doing my civic duty.
Brett MeansFreedom From Religion Foundation
Brett MeansFreedom From Religion Foundation
37 mins ·
weeks ago, I substitute taught in a Indiana public high school for a
teacher who's infant son was gravely ill. This teacher is a football
coach and the classes were advanced weight lifting. Most of the
students were junior and senior athletes. Before one of the classes
began, a girl gathered the class around and had a very Christian prayer
already typed up and wanted to pray for their teacher/coach. I told the
class that anyone that did not want to participate could go on down to
the weight room. Not one kid left. I offered to read the prayer for
her and she let me. The prayer was specifically for the coach and his
son. Prayed for healing and comfort. The prayer ended with "In Jesus
name, Amen" Afterwards, the girl led the group with the Lord's prayer.
This whole activity was student initiated, student created with an out
for any student that did not want to participate. I was never more
inspired by teenagers as I was that morning. Later that day, I informed
the administration of what happened and the principal had no issue with
it since it was student initiated. He did say maybe the girl should
have read the prayer, but did not reprimand me for doing so. He even
stated he supported the students and the prayer. They had me write
out a statement for their files just in casse someone did complain. To
my knowledge, nobody has. Your organization may not like incidents like
these, but the Constitution protects religious expression and students
do not lose these rights just because they are in school. Only an agent
of the government could potentially violate the Constitution. A
private citizen cannot. The Constitution is a limit on government, not
the people.