The Psychics and My Town
- 11 people like this.
- Responder 1: Terra, I would absolutely love to attend something like that. I live in Vegas now, but my family still lives in Ohio. Went to Mansfield Reformatory last year; this year going to Hill View Manor in New Castle PA.
- Other Responder: I think that would be a lot of fun!!
- Responder 2:Love that idea! Def would attend
- Responder 3: Paranormal conferences were regularly scheduled events at the hotel on Courthouse Square many years ago. They were interesting enough to attract people from outside of this area, as well as local residents.
- Responder 4: me too
- Original Poster:Who do I have to talk to if i want to have something like that? Anybody know?
- Responder 5: Check out @North East Ohio Paranormal Services on FB. They are in Warren.
- OP: Holly I used to be associated with them but did not like the leaders attitude towards me
- Alex McDowell
There is no evidence of anything in the paranormal world except for fraud. Zero. Nada. We could do well to encourage Skeptic groups. They're a growing phenomenon. Reason rallies. That sort of thing. In a world that is getting smarter, we would do better not showing our idiot side, and maybe look a little more sophisticated.
Anyone is welcome to add their views here except for spam and occasionally, trol...See More - OP: Alex i have to disagree sorry
- Alex McDowell Based on the evidence provided to you from what sources? This is a cottage industry of fraud that bilks millions of people. These are vampires feasting on grief.
- Original Poster: Im sorry ive had personal experience that makes me think otherwise.
- Alex McDowell You can start here:
The JREF exposes charlatans and helps people defend themselves from paranormal a...See More - OP: I wish ignorant people would stay out of groups like this
- Alex McDowell Not sure what you mean there. How are you defining "ignorance"? Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. That can be cured. We live in an information age. That's all I'm asking.
- OP: Your pushing your beliefs on someone and acting like your way is the only way when some people actually take comfort in believing in the paranormal.
- Alex McDowell Hey. You put your opinion out there. Is your belief that delicate that you have to lash out at counter-information? Is my "opinion" less valid? Is more information (in this case, VALID information) a bad thing? You're acting not only like someone who hasn't thought about what you believe, but someone who REFUSES to think about your belief. And there is harm to others involved. When the community welcomes these people in for their "fairs", they give tacit approval to them. We are advertizing fraudsters and encouraging them.
- Alex McDowell It's exactly like the city taking a rake off of a 3 card monte game and providing security.
- Alex McDowell You're saying that like it's a bad thing. If millions of people are being taken, wouldn't it be better to have someone say, "Hey! Hold on a minute!"?
- Alex McDowell For instance, you seem to never have had anyone give you the idea that there may be a downside to the idea. Now you have.
- Alex McDowell Let me state then, for the record, that I prefer not to have my city waste resources perpetuating a fraud.
No. I understand. But we get nowhere if people live in a veil of ignorance that does demonstrable harm, and aren't called on it. At least from where I sit. And I'm prepared to be "stung". And we all have a net. It's the space, the removal of proximity, provided by the internet. And it's the fact that people can reason given the chance.