Je Suis Charlie!
News reports are all covering the slaughter in Paris. And almost every show has a Muslim apologist trying to tell us that Islam and the Koran are all about freedom of speech, and these extremists just are misinformed about their own religion.
Almost all over the world, people are gathering, holding up the sign "Je Suis Charlie". I say ALMOST.
There are nations in the world that are Islamic countries. Not countries where there are mostly Islamic people. But countries ruled by law under religious leadership. We know the names of these countries. We know the regions. And there is a lack of ANY scenes of demonstrations in support or in mourning for the victims of this mass murder. Try holding up a sign, in public, of "Je Suis Charlie" in any of these countries, and see what would happen. (I don't recommend trying it).
Islam is a pox on the world. And those that would defend it are liars.
I beg of these fascists. Set your people free!
From The Onion tonight:
It Sadly Unclear Whether This Article Will Put Lives At Risk
"Those familiar with the situation told reporters that if someone were to read the very words written here and be offended by them, it would be reasonable to expect them to be upset and—at worst—write an angry letter to this publication expressing their ire in a relatively calm and composed fashion. Reports further confirmed that to somehow use this article—or indeed any article or any piece of self-expression—as a pretext to violence, let alone deadly violence, is simply impossible to justify and should never, ever transpire in human civilization.
Then again, sources added, that’s what actually happened today."
The cartoons that sparked the murders. Let's make sure to spread them around: