
Showing posts from 2014

The Good Samaritan Revealed

Why does no one ever paint the story of The Good Samaritan for what it is? It is a racist Jesus figure, with a nod and a wink, telling his crowd that we all know the Samaritans are no good. But here's this one guy. He's a standup kinda guy. He's not like those OTHER Samaritans. Jesus really was a redneck prick.

Food is Politics

"Dear America,   You are a young, energetic, enthusiastic, and not too bright country, much like a puppy. Adorable in some ways, but with a propensity to knock things over and piss on the floor.   We have time. You may get potty trained sometime when you grow up.   One thing, though. The word 'entree' comes from the same roots as the word 'entrance'. What you call an appetizer is really the entree. That thing you call the entree? That's the main course. Until you get that straight, it may be best if you try not to run the world on your own.    Words do have meanings. Thank you for your time, The Rest of the World"

Violence, Images, and Offense

Alex McDowell 1 hr · Edited · Just got a private message. "I'm blocking you for posting violent images". I have no idea what she had a problem with, and I'm blocked, so no way to resolve the issue. Or even know. Michelle Davis. If anyone cares to ask. Like · · Share Scott Beer and Greg Bartholomew like this. Christopher Buxton Probably the photo of the guy getting his throat cut. 52 mins · Like Jennifer Wheeler She probably did you a favor by leaving. 52 mins · Like Alex McDowell Oh yeah. The throat cut thing. Sorry. 48 mins · Like Alex McDowell Best if we live in a delusion that those things aren't as fucking gruesome as they are. 47 mins · Like · 1 Alex McDowell What if I posted the video of Eric Garner dieing at the hands of the NYPD? Or flag draped caskets arriving at Dover? Or bodies strewn across the street from US bomb blasts in som...

Old Bartenders

Your mileage may vary depending on experience, geography, and ambition. Good essay on waiting tables while aging. "Lately I have been sensitive to my waning years in the business. At a crossroads of still needing to earn money, yet spending all I do earn on chiropractic visits, extra-strength Motrin and replacing the 1960s metal in my teeth, I face a dilemma. I have become accustomed to cash in my pocket, fabulous foods and wines, and a comfortable lifestyle. Still, I also recognize that some of the most valuable moments in life are the quiet times money can’t buy. So any chance of giving up a shift and spending the evening reading a good book is readily taken."

CIA Torture Doc Dump

 Government secrecy is a load of crap. While it may have some benefits, time and again, when revealed, it is an excuse to cover up criminal activity. What we know is that we bartered away any sense of having a higher moral ground than the enemy. That we became terrorists in the ideal of "fighting terrorism". It's not new. It's what we've always done. We just made it official policy. "Secretly".   And it got us nothing. I know the CIA and the government officials that gave the orders claim they had to. That we got valuable intel from the process of torture. But that assessment is (at best) in dispute. Where's the proof? Well, turns out, that's classified. How convenient. Isn't that how we got in this jam in the first place?   And the argument that revealing these documents would put us in jeopardy with our enemies and our allies? Revealing our crimes??? What about the idea of not committing them in the first place? We can't undo our p...

Privateers Buy the Roads

This is an edited conversation I had on facebook. Canadian friends. We just got a bill from a highway toll for a trip we took two months ago. I saw no indication that there was a toll road. They take a picture and bill your home later? This sounds mightily like some sort of scam. Anyone know anything about this? 407 ETR. And they need us to pay with a credit card. We're a little leery, to say the least. LATER.... Looking through the web, it appears that we're going to have to suck it up and pay the tab. 25km at $13.01. Privatized toll road, BTW. Bought for 3 billion or so by a foreign consortium...Coming soon to a GOP privatizing state near you...  And they don't have to pay the guys in the toll booths. I think this one is legitimate, as in, a scam, but a LEGAL one. Privatized roads are in our future. And they will be expensive. And they will be another convenience for those that can afford it. And the rest of us will give up that prime (public) real estate and clo...

Watch for News From Shelbyville, Indiana...

I copied and pasted this to the Shelbyville, Indiana city website. Just doing my civic duty. Brett Means‎ Freedom From Religion Foundation 37 mins · two weeks ago, I substitute taught in a Indiana public high school for a teacher who's infant son was gravely ill. This teacher is a football coach and the classes were advanced weight lifting. Most of the students were junior and senior athletes. Before one of the classes began, a girl gathered the class around and had a very Christian prayer already typed up and wanted to pray for their teacher/coach. I told the class that anyone that did not want to participate could go on down to the weight room. Not one kid left. I offered to read the prayer for her and she let me. The prayer was specifically for the coach and his son. Prayed for healing and comfort. The prayer ended with "In Jesus name, Amen" Afterwards, the girl led the group with the Lord's prayer....