Joe Biden and the "Third World"
Joe Biden, while trying to comment on America's need for infrastructure investment compared New York's Laguardia Airport to one in a third world country.
He has to be careful. America is in no way like a third world country.
A third world country would be ruled by plutocrats. It would have an aristocracy that controlled the wealth, leaving half or more in the country in or near poverty. It would have a wealthy class, in fact, that would have a handful of people holding more wealth than most of the rest of the people combined.
The income gap in a third world country would be something insane. Probably like nothing seen in a "first world" country since the days of the Great Depression.
In a third world country, it would be dangerous to drink the water.
A third world country would be a police state. It would have more people in prisons than other countries. It would have cops acting above the law. In a third world country, police could kill the citizens and get away with it. The police would be able to find out anything about everybody, and the right to privacy would be a dream, at best. In a first world country, the police would serve and protect the people. In a third world country, the police would serve and protect only the aristocracy, wealth, and property.
In a third world country "equal justice under the law" would be just words.
A third world country would make it difficult for undesirables to vote.
Third world countries are where the population is held in check by strong beliefs in myths, and magic. Where the priestly class is privileged.
A third world country is one where labor is not valued, nor empowered.
A third world country would have wealth and power so concentrated in the hands of a few that the national treasury would be their personal checking account, leaving the common good and national interests out of the equation.
A third world nation would have the media, the news, and the message controlled by a small group of powerful men looking after their own interests. Truth and facts would be debatable. Ignorance would have an equal footing with intelligence in the national debate.
A third world country would seek to keep women in the position of breeders, artists as propagandists, and anyone different as second class citizens. Racism and sexism would be rampant. Ignorance would be encouraged.
A third world country would not consider health or education a right and a duty, but a privilege of a select few.
A third world country would condone slavery and torture.
"Liberal" and "progressive" are "dirty words" in a third world country.
Joe Biden should be more careful with his words. "Third world country". Not here. Never.