Palin 2016?

  We're going to see a lot of these articles in the next year and a half guessing that Sarah Palin is going to run for this or that office. If she ran for President, that would be a liberal Democratic dream.
  I hate to overstate the obvious, but everyone with any bit of sense in their head already knows this:

  She is not going to run for anything. She's going to fake a little of this or that and try to keep her name in the news, and dangle the bait for a rabid press and fan base, but she's not going to run for anything. She knows where the money is. And that's all she's doing. As long as someone, somewhere keeps thinking that she might run, she's going to rake in the cash from the yahoos and keep speaking gigs that feed the yahoos who keep feeding her cash and speaking gigs and get the yahoos exited enough to keep feeding her money and speaking gigs to...Got it?

  She has discovered the ultimate money churning scam, and all she has to do is stay as insane and ill informed as she's always been. Nice work, if you can get it. And if you have no morals or ethics.

  However, there is one frightening fact in all of this supposition. If you could hallucinate the impossibility of her winning the GOP nomination, she would get trounced in a landslide. But she would still garner well over 30 million votes. Meaning, there are well over 30 million "patriots" that are stupid enough, and care so little about this country, and vote, that are running around on our streets without enough supervision or medication.

Todd Palin gives the crazy.

  Let me add that the blowhard Donald Trump is also making grumbling sounds that he would like to run for something. Exactly like Palin, but with less experience, he is only collecting and marketing speaking fees. How these people become the "go to" interviews on any media outlet is a shameful picture of the state of journalism today.

This is too funny. Both fake candidates get their fake panties in a bunch when one of them gets called out on being a fake:
Donald Trump isn't a serious person.


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