This One Isn't Likely to Go Well

Aliza Albornoz
6 hrs ·
sharing again "...but the problem is that because man is man he goes wrong. He misunderstands that in spreading the religion of Islam or of Christianity, for example, man did not do it the right way. They confused the needs of religion with the needs of the outer world. So they began to spread their religion by methods that are not at all according to the Will of God. For example, by forcing people - even by killing people. Really, that is something that is totally not at all according to God's will.
Imagine to yourself: you die and you are in front of God, God's judgement, and God asks you: 'What did you do - how did you spread my religion in this world?'
And you say: 'Oh, I spread it by killing thousands of people. I killed people left and right, and I killed people of all different religions.'
How can that be acceptable to God? How can God accept something as right when it creates chaos, when it harms other people, when it makes difficulties for other people, when it restricts the freedom of other people. This is completely wrong,.."
  • 5 people like this.
  • Alex McDowell Not according to the holy books. Which are, by the way, the only "evidence" we have of the deities. According to the only stories we have about god or gods, they would be perfectly pleased with mass murderers who do it in their name. They would consider it the highest calling.
  • Harliyanto Tan Its very good,..Bapak talk: pasrah,tawakal and...
  • Brianna Wise So true what Bapak wrote. Anything done that hurts people -even done for religion- is NOT the will of god!!
  • Alex McDowell What the hell are you people talking about? The Koran and the Bible are all about conquest at the bloody tip of the sword. God BEGS for blood. Constantly. It's all that god is all about.
  • Brianna Wise It is not god's will to do evil and to applaud it. That is human beings doing that and calling it 'god's will'!
    Alex McDowell By what proof? God is constantly calling for blood sacrifice or the total destruction of this people or that. The only people these days that are actually following the will of god are the fundamentalists in the Middle East. ISIS (or ISIL, whatever...does it matter?...) and the various "morality police" that call for the hanging of blasphemers, THOSE are the guys that read those bloody books and come away doing what's in "God's plan". Eric Rudolph and his ilk. We look at them as nut cases, but the commands are all there in the holy books. Mercy, justice, peace, these are all ways people have evolved away from the commands written by barbarous people who knew nothing thousands of years ago.

    • Brianna Wise Those books were written thousands of years ago at a time when people had violent ways of looking at how god is and what god does -as well as peaceful ways of looking at what god is like. I don't take the scriptures literally, do you? They all contain some 'grains of truth' in them, but they also show the historical and sociological perspectives of the times that they were written in. But surely you know this too, Alex?
    • Alex McDowell If they were written in the times that god performed miracles and talked to people, and were written by the hand of god, or were written by men directly inspired by god, then by what right do you pick and choose which parts are the true will of god? You have no other evidence of what in god's plan than the holy books.9The fact that you reject those violent and insane parts of the books are an indication of your humanity, your progress as a modern, civilized human being. They have no bearing on what the message in those books was.
    • Alex McDowell Those guys back then INVENTED god. Your reinterpretation is strictly a modern phenomenon.
      1 min · Like
      • Brianna Wise That is why I rarely read the scriptures anymore. The image given of a violent and evil god doesn't mesh with what I have experienced of god in my meditations and in my latihans. In my latihans and meditating, I have experienced god's peace, energy-power, and a loving feeling inside of me. I also have felt god''s peace and power outside of my body too.This is the god of my understanding. In primitive times, people projected and gave human characteristics to god -some attributes good and some attributes of god very bad. That is way back thousands of years and must be taken with a big grain of salt! Some of what is written in the scriptures are far from holy and I do not accept that b.s as an accurate portrayal of god and being god's actions!
      • Brianna Wise What is god to you, Alex? What do you think? Where do you stand?
      • Brianna Wise Thanks for your reply.
      • Alex McDowell I think you're talking to yourself through meditation. And meditation on its own has proven to be beneficial. The god idea is imprinted in your mind through ten thousand years of social conditioning. It's an additional and unnecessary construct. You just described a god that you invented in your imagination, much like an imaginary friend that you talk to in times of crisis. So, if the god idea is anything people decide it's going to be, then of what use is it? Know it for what it is. A fiction.
      • Alex McDowell For instance, is there a heaven and a hell? Does god favor you because you believe in him, and therefore doesn't favor others?
      Brianna Wise God is not invented. The traits of god and the happenings in the scriptures were written or spoken of by imperfect people with the limited understanding they had way back then. But god surely exists. I have felt god many, many times. I have left my body a few times and felt god even more strongly then than in the spiritual disciplines I do. In those disciplines, I don't use my imagination at all. I don't think about and invent concepts. I simply and literally feel the attributes of god within and outside of me. No concepts, not an imaginary friend to pray to. An experience is what it is, without concepts. This experience is reality as IT IS HAPPENING -not from a book or my life conditioning in the way, so it is literally true. No fiction.Is wordless reality. I need to stop writing now. Thanks for your perspective.
      Brianna Wise God is not invented. The traits of god and the happenings in the scriptures were written or spoken of by imperfect people with the limited understanding they had way back then. But god surely exists. I have felt god many, many times. I have left my body a few times and felt god even more strongly then than in the spiritual disciplines I do. In those disciplines, I don't use my imagination at all. I don't think about and invent concepts. I simply and literally feel the attributes of god within and outside of me. No concepts, not an imaginary friend to pray to. An experience is what it is, without concepts. This experience is reality as IT IS HAPPENING -not from a book or my life conditioning in the way, so it is literally true. No fiction.Is wordless reality. I need to stop writing now. Thanks for your perspective.
      Alex McDowell Now, then, I have to ask, what does this god tell you to do? And why does your god tell you things differently from other peoples' gods? Is your god, as most gods have been described, all-beneficent, omnipresent, and all powerful? And, if so, why can't he get his message across clearly? If he was the perfect creator of men, then why? If we're created in his image, then why is the tube we eat with so perilously close to the one we breathe with? Why is the amusement park so close to the sewer? And why the presence of evil? Why the constant need for praise and the punishments for lack of it?
    • Alex McDowell

    Doug Stanhope, You make your own Christianity:


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