Friend Gets Snippy
Needed to save, since my posts get deleted in a contentious back and forth with a "liberal Christian moderate" who is also a personal friend.
- Eric Thompson added 3 new photos — with Bart Robertson and 20 others.ASK ME ANYTHING.
Hello friends. I am asking for your assistance. Without giving away more details than I am allowed to share, I need your help with a project. I am participating in a “thing” called ASK ME ANYTHING. I need a minimum of 50 questions to answer on any subject from religion, social issues, race relations, pop culture, education, medicine, local infrastructure concerns, political issues of a local, regional, state or federal matter, technology, entertainment, society, media, or any other subject. They can be personal or professional. They can be about small local things or international topics of world wide importance. Anything... Nothing is off limits.
Understand that I am NOT claiming to have complete knowledge of all subjects. I realize that in oreder to answer with an opinion on some topics I may be required to do some research and learning. I will not avoid any subject based only on a fear of expression or public perception.
You may ask or submit as many questions as you like. Please write your question(s) in the comment section below or you can private message the questions to me via Facebook.
I really appreciate your participation and assistance. This will help me in ways I can't even express today. Thank you in advance! - Tina Saiani Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?
- Eric Thompson Oooh, that's a good one.
- Tina Saiani I didn't know if I was allowed to do two, But I have another really good one. smile emoticon
- Virginia Holmes You didn't answer, did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone?
- Eric Thompson Tina Saiani, you may ask as many questions as you like.
- Eric Thompson Virginia Holmes, I will answer it but it's a longer answer which takes more time. Lol.
- Write a reply...
- Mary Nicole Did astronauts really land on the moon?
- Eric Thompson Wow. That's a good one too! I wonder if all of my friends are really into conspiracy theories. LOL
- Mary Nicole Can we ask more than one?
- Write a reply...
- Michele Chadwick Besides the Bush brother's being governors at the same time were there other bothers governors at the same time?
- Eric Thompson This is a great question as one of my favorite subjects has always been history. Without researching this, I would first guess that the Rockefeller family would have produced governor brothers in Nelson and Winthrop. There was also a Jay Rockefeller but I think he was a son or nephew. I'll look into that and I'll enjoy the journey that this search leads me on. Thanks!
- Jami Marie Pedley Which elementary school teacher inspired you the most and why?
- Eric Thompson Hmmmm. I actually think about this from time to time and it is always difficult to choose just one. Since, however, you narrowed it to elementary school, that makes it a little easier but still not a lock. There were several teachers that had a huge impact on me at Bolindale, Ohio Elementary School. Mrs. Ezzo in first grade, Mrs. Ries in third, Mrs. Voorhies in fourth and of course, Principal Mr. Dray. Since my family moved across town but we stayed in the same school district, my sixth grade year was at Howland Glen Elementary School. The teacher I met then and continue to see with regularity in civic functions and philanthropic situation is Elizabeth Clark. They each made a distinct impact on me in a variety of ways. This was a wonderful question. Thank you! (this is my first day of Kindergarten at Bolindale School in 1967)
- Daniel Robison Is homosexuality a sin and, if not, is the Bible flawed?
- Eric Thompson This answer is probably longer than a simple paragraph. It's not like "What's your favorite color," Lol. This answer will require much more space and time than I have at this moment, however this question will DEFINATELY be included in the larger proje...See More
- Eric Thompson I will NOT shy away from any question for this project. I may not be able to answer it here but I will answer it in the long form in the future.
- Daniel Robison Right, I agree, Eric, that it shouldn't turn your project into a discussion about homosexuality. This is just a really tough one to answer. This is something that could be discussed and argued for days. Thanks for taking your time and putting some thought into your answer. We'll have to get together for coffee some time. If we're going to discuss this, maybe something a little stronger! LOL!
- Alex McDowell Taking your answer for it is, then, did God create atheists? And why? Is atheism a sin?
- Eric Thompson Ha ha, Alex. I do think that God creates each of us with our unique set of traits. None of us, as far as I know, is born a believer in anything. All of our beliefs, political, social and religious are learned and formed by our environment. So I wou...See More
- Alex McDowell AND, considering all of that, why would a "perfect god" not be able to communicate perfectly?
- Daniel Robison The Bible is the inspired word of God. The book of Revelation says if you add to or subtract from the Bible all the plagues will be added to you. Therefore, the book of Mormon and Jehovah's Witness are adding to the Bible so they need to be ignored. As far as the Bible written by men, it is either inspired by God or it is not. Interpretation has been proved that it has not changed from the original. As far a homosexuality being mentioned in the Bible as far as the New Testament for Born Again Christians, check Romans 1: 26-27, Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and Jude 1:7. We are all created the same and struggle with the desires and sins in our lives. It is up to us to make the right decision. Many think that the Apostle Paul dealt with homosexuality and that was the thorn in his side.
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- Alex McDowell Who's going to take the GOP nomination for president? And will that person have a chance? And what do you think the odds would be on either question?
- Eric Thompson I have no idea. It's way too early to tell. I know a few that I hope it isn't! Lol.
- Nick Spano What is the sixth digit of Pi?
- Eric Thompson TWO. Here is pi carried out to the first 1,000 digits, just in case you were wondering! π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459237816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844605505822317253594081284811174...See More
- Jerry C. Jaffe what the hell is going on around here?
- Eric Thompson I have been wondering the exact same thing!
- Jerry C. Jaffe Or, what is the oldest human fossil?
- Eric Thompson I thought you were asking the for the sixth digit AFTER the decimal point. My apologies, sir. I did, however, provide you with all of the digits up to the thosandth place. So although my answer was not accurate to your question, the info you sought AND THEN SOME was provided. That is real value!
- Eric Thompson Wow, I had some really good questions sent to my private message inbox. Just to give you an idea of the types of questions being asked I'll list them here. I hope these give you a jump start to think of some other good ones.
Should you focus your ...See More - Laura Mcmillen-Rek What is love?!
- Eric Thompson What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more...See More - Virginia Holmes Where is the highest point in Trumbull County to catch a fabulous sunrise
- Eric Thompson At 1,550 feet, Campbell Hill is the highest point in elevation in the state of Ohio. Campbell Hill is located within the city of Bellefontaine about an hour northwest of Columbus.
The highest elevation in Trumbull County is 1,280 feet above sea level and can be found near the Pennsylvania-Ohio border in Vernon Township near Milligan East Road in the northern part of the county. - Write a reply...
- Joshua Nativio Why are warren politics so dysfunctional?
- Eric Thompson I suppose it's a combination of voter apathy, "we've always done it that way" and following national trends. I don't see Warren as being any worse than many American cities. But mostly citizen apathy.
- Virginia Holmes If you could get rid of one thing in the world to make the world a better place what would that one thing be
- Eric Thompson That's easy. War. I'd get rid of war and spend the military budget on food and medical service for everyone in the world. I'm not sure what I would do with the other 90% of the money!
- Eric Thompson It's all a trick!
- Françoise Litch Here's my question: "If a tree grows and at some point, the trunk splits into two pieces and keeps growing, would the parts that split have the same number of rings as the bottom part of the trunk? In other words, could you still tell the true age of the tree from the split parts?
- Nick Spano Only if you cut the trunk.
- Eric Thompson I took some of the questions out of this thread because I felt they either were redundant or asked in a manner that was not in keeping with the spirit of the post. That said, I appreciate all of the questions asked. Prior to their removal I printed o...See More
- Alex McDowell Mostly mine. I would argue over the "redundancy" or the irrelevancy of my q's, but it's your thread.
- Eric Thompson I'm not surprised by anything you would choose to argue. Ha ha ha. Lol. It is my thread. Your questions were all of the same ilk so I bundled them together and printed them off for a file I'm keeping for this project. If your feelings are hurt or ...See More
- Alex McDowell It's not about my offense at all. Well, maybe some. But more why everyone isn't offended by it. Or at least why it's not questioned more by those that profess belief. But, never mind. Your thread, and all that.
- Eric Thompson Thanks for letting it go. I didn't think you could but you tried and that's a huge step. Take a few more breaths and let it go completely.
- Alex McDowell NOW, I take offense. That's the reason we got into these problems in the first place! Religion is here. And theists tell us to let it go. They prefer not to question it. And even more so, prefer it not to be questioned in their presence. Who is offended and who is offending here? Who needs to take a few breaths? I can tell an ad hominem when I see it. Whether you intended it or not.
"Oh, the poor deluded atheist. He gets so upset."
So many problems we get into because we're told to just let it go. Wasted lives in wars of profit, the environment degraded, civil rights and liberties trampled on. And always, we're told, "Stay calm. Be patient." Patience and calm serves the status quo.
That's a patronizing comment, Eric. You're better than that.
Alex McDowell Anyway,
it's the nature of human progress. Questions lead to answers that raise
more questions, and we, as a species move forward for it. UNTIL the
conversation, the thread of questioning and answering gets shut down.
And that's what thread deletion does. Not that I don't expect to see
this all get deleted.