Religion and Africa
This one's going downhill fast and I wanted to get it saved here before it goes away, or they force me to go away. Again.
Mom! Please Get Up! Why do you sleep so long time?
Africa is the richest continent in the world by means of natural resources, unfortunately africa is the continent that has largely affected with poverty, hunger and violence.Escalating chaos & confusion leads many africans to suffer more.
God bless Africa & its people. — with Jennifer Haynes Khedr, FatimZahra Mansouriya, John Cudjoe and 46 others.
- 27 people like this.
- Alex McDowell One should not invoke god in reference to Africa. Unless to curse the idea. God belief is a large part of the problems of Africa.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Alex, You're wrong.. The greedy western countries are responsible for the chaos, poverty and slavery in Africa since they exploited africa and Itz people over a long period of time for power & money. Itz purely people related issue and not God.
- Rob Marcelletti It's the WHY? is the reason this goes on humanity cannot figure out or prove WHY?
Everyone everywhere does things and lives In a perpetual state of wonder why? All things done by everyone everywhere there is a reason, why. Why people do what they do
"WHY" always ask yourself WHY and when you find the answers you hold all the power in the universe.... - Alex McDowell The question is why do you believe? And why do people WANT you to believe? And what are they stealing while you're kneeling?
- Lyra Bilacua Sometimes god let that happen for a reason, we all have a choice either to be a good and better person even if we dnt have money or food to eat, or to be bad person to get things what we want, but whatever things is happening for now it is all because of human also, just god let it be so that we will awaken to all mistakes that weve done.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Alex, Go and read some history.. You'll get what u asking for.. Because i cannot teach u A to Z in this issue.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Alex,
Richard Drayton: Britain has never faced up to the dark side of its imperial history. - Alex McDowell We know already that the wealth of the west was built on the exploitation of Africa, and other parts of the world. That is not news. That is history. We also know the tools that were used. And one of the biggest tools was religion.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Need more..
Dozens of Western multinationals have made millions of pounds in profits from ex... See More - Mohamed Sadakathullah Alex, Don't pull religion here.. The post has nothing to do with religion since you are breeding hatred here in the name of religion and God.
And don't force anyone to believe what you believe. - Alex McDowell Who's forcing anyone to believe? Projecting much? The question was about what was wrong with Africa. And I posit that much of the problem is people clinging to their god beliefs and not being able to think outside of them. Want to talk about forcing people to believe? Islam and Christianity have always, ALWAYS, been forwarded at the point of threats. We will have problems we don't need forever until we're able to look beyond the superstitions that hold us back.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Seems really folly when u say that Africa's undevelopment is because of religion and God. No one would believe this..
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Haha.. then? Just feels nice when an old man utters & mutters words that doesn't makes sense at all.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Instead of speaking irrelavently, Can you please produce a proof from an unbiased source that supports your Saying that religion & god is the major problem for Africa's under development.
If not, please stay out of the post. - Alex McDowell Boko Haram. King Leopold II. Uganda "Kill the gays". Slave trade. All (and more) rationalized by either Christianity or Islam. What happens when SECULAR forces get involved? Medicine, progress, diplomacy, aid, education. Health increases. Woman advance. Life expectancy goes up. And on and on.
- Alex McDowell AIDs, for instance, can't be prayed away. Or cured by raping virgins. But it can be curtailed by condoms and modern medicine.
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Still you haven't produced a proof.. One can say anything and they can argue that Itz the truth.. It cannot be told or accepted as truth unless you substantiate your argument with proof.
Give me proof.. - Alex McDowell What would you call "proof"? We've seen what modern medicine and modern, secular society does. What have we seen that has been accomplished by religion besides conquest?
- Alex McDowell Give me proof that any version of gods has done a positive thing for Africa or Africans?
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Here's the answer..
'How can anyone claim Africa did not have societies before the arrival of coloni... See More - Mohamed Sadakathullah i didn't said that God strengthened Africa, but you said that God and religion are the Major PROBLEM for Africa's under development and now you are asking proof from me for the words i didn't spelt.. Sounds?
- Alex McDowell I don't deny any of that. Exploitation of wealth. Capitalism. Power. All true. But who drove that exploitation? Who gained the wealth and power? The churches. The Vatican is gilded in stolen gold from Africa and the Americas. The fundamentalist churches of the West are still looking to Africa to grow their flock and their coffers. Islam is still using whatever distress they can find to grow their influence and wealth. All of them with some form of threat, be it violence in this life, or hell in the next.
Alex McDowell When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
As quoted in Desmond Tutu: A Biography (2004) by Steven Gish, p. 101; this is a joke Tutu has used, but variants of it exist which are not original to him. It was first said by Jomo Kenyatta, former President of Kenya.[citation needed]
- Mohamed Sadakathullah I do agree with you to a minimal extent.. Africa is a continent that serves a place for different native religions, tribal sects & foreign religions.. They all only plays a minimal role for Africa's under development.. But not a major role. That's the rational mind can conclude.
The decolonisation of Africa in the 1960s was a watershed experience for the gen... See More - Alex McDowell The Catholic Church, for instance , has preached that saving lives and preventing AIDs through condom use is a greater sin and leads to hell. We don't have any evidence of hell, but we see what disease does to us NOW.
- Alex McDowell Let's assume that you're right. That all of Africa will be better under Allah. Shia, or Sunni? And what about the women?
Alex McDowell The Red Cross is a non-sectarian organization. And charity has no need of gods.
And here we go again:
- Mohamed Sadakathullah I didn't understand your question.. you've been speaking out of your own desires. You cannot prove anything.. I've asked you a proof.. you haven't provided yet but sticking with your poor argument that no sane man could believe.
i provided with you couple of proofs that shows you the root cause for the poverty and everything in Africa but you don't want to get the truth.. you are just uttering the words what you can that are totally irrelavent to the post.
Give me the proof for your saying that Africa's under development is because of religion and god to proceed further or you'll thrown out of the discussion since you fumble & not sure of what you speaking.. - Mohamed Sadakathullah Grand pa.. No more fumble.. Don't waste my time, Give me the proof. if not none of your insane comments will be answered. Gotcha?
- Alex McDowell The constant refrain from the camp of believers. The threat of being thrown out. The denial of the discussion and the points. I dare you to have the guts to continue this thread. There is nothing served by your hiding from the discussion.1 min · Like
- Alex McDowell The entire thread, BTW, is being saved on my blog, for better or worse, so you can throw me out, if you like, but the thread lives on...:
Mohamed Sadakathullah Haha, then? As i said earlier you fumble overwhelmingly.
Please take your blood pressure control pills and take rest grand pa.. You're going freak that has nothing to do with this post.. Lol!
- Mohamed Sadakathullah And thanks to take my post in your blog.. the viewers would understand the thoughts.. I've gave you proof from sources even from research work for my argument whereas you gave 'Zero' evidence for your assumptions.. Readers will understand that..
- Alex McDowell Evidence:
The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in We... See More - Alex McDowell
A documentary scheduled to debut Friday at the Toronto International Film Festiv... See More - Alex McDowell
Human rights advocates say that three U.S. evangelicals helped set the stage for a bill to execute homosexuals. - Alex McDowell
The Catholic Church is the largest private provider of care to HIV/AIDS patients... See More - Mohamed Sadakathullah Slave trade has been excersied by Europe & middle east countries in Africa.. that's again people related issue.. Black domination & slavery is one of the cause for Africa's under development but Itz not the only cause like you argue...
- Mohamed Sadakathullah America's anti gay push & Robertson claims doesn't prove your argument that God and religion is the MAJOR problem for Africa's under development... Still i hope u give me the proof for your assumption.
- Alex McDowell
Boko Haram ("Western education is forbidden"), is a militant Islamist movement b... See More - Mohamed Sadakathullah Boko haram, Al-shabab and all terrorists organization are tiny groups in African continent and i don't agree that Africa's economy is controlled by them like you believe. Lol
A number of African countries are making progress in economic development, accor... See More - Alex McDowell Following tribal wars, state officials would see to it that the victors severed the hands of dead warriors. During expeditions, Force Publique soldiers were instructed to bring back a hand or head for each bullet fired, to make sure that none had been wasted or hidden for use in rebellions. A soldier with the chilling title “keeper of hands” accompanied each expedition. Force Publique soldiers were slaves who had been press-ganged through hostage taking, or stolen as children and brought up in child colonies founded by the King and the Catholic Church.
Adam Hochschild's study of King Leopold II of Belgium's creation of the Congo Fr... See More - Alex McDowell
So many research topics emerged from the colonial conquest and the legacy of sla... See More
- Mohamed Sadakathullah Do you have any idea that can develop Africa? Let's make this argument more rational..
- Alex McDowell Yes. Several. Empowerment of women. Rational answers instead of superstitions. Capitalism in service to people, instead of people to serve capital. Education instead of indoctrination. For starters.
- Alex McDowell And once you get rid the whole idea of "My God is better than your God", we get to make HUGE strides toward the betterment of all Africans.
Mohamed Sadakathullah I believe socialism can develop africa then.. past is past, there were plenty of things that made Africa a backward nation as a whole.. But from now we should take steps to pacify the sufferings of our African fellow beings..
6 mins · Like
And surprise, surprise. Mohamed asked the proper question to turn the conversation to a better ending than I anticipated. Well done, Mo.
Alex McDowell Just to add. The problems of Africa are not just African. They are an indication of the problems we face all over the world. And the solutions to Africa's problems can be applied to all of us. Africa could possibly be the vanguard of a whole new way to move the human race forward. But the blockades in the road are massive. And time is running out.