Bad guys can convince most of a nation that they're the good guys. Happens all the time. It's why we have advertizing, and why TV ads are so powerful. They can lie straight to you and make you believe they're the most honest people on the planet. The only bulwark against that is critical thinking. Experiment, observation, reason. Not a preacher's authority, not what "feels right". And, most definitely NOT authority. We can get the Bush White House telling us Hussein was part of Al Quaida, and that cutting taxes on "job creators" is the route to a strong economy. BP can run all the ads they want about how they're helping the Gulf come back, but they're doing everything they can to not spend a penny more than they're legally obligated to unless it's in PR dollars. When they do their job right, you almost forget that the damage was due to their criminal negligence. The Koch brothers can hide all their ads and pr