Teabagging "Patriots", and Their Flags

  These so called "patriots" always bring the "stars and bars" and the Gadsen/Teabag flag together with the Stars and Stripes and make me just think the American flag itself represents ignorance, treason, bigotry, and oppression. Do they besmirch the American flag, or has the American flag always represented itself that way?

  I found this post on FaceBook from a friend that I had to add:

Maybe it's time for veterans to act who are sick of hearing that being a veteran is equivalent to being an ignorant, race-baiting, far right, Confederate flag-waving, Tea Partier who doesn't understand the difference between the House which has control over the budget and actually brought this shutdown and the President, who has been firmly telling them to cut it out and get back to the business of governing.

Maybe we need to see veterans and all other American citizens rally to object to these self-appointed "representatives" of religious and political extremism who claim to do so much in their name, and who welcome and listen to the very people who created the shutdown, yet obnoxiously throw the barricades which were the result of their actions at the one who has been trying to make government work.

Maybe the veterans who swore an oath to uphold this country and defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic are tired of hearing others claim their mantle and use it to justify talk of revolution and rebellion, who speak of the American flag while waving the flag of insurgency and urging hatred of their own government, and who are actively supporting those who cannot accept the results of the democratic process and have taken the country hostage and threaten her economy in order to achieve their aims because they cannot achieve them through legislative means and are too impatient to await the results of the ballot box.

They claim they are rallying again on November 19th. I don't believe I have anything else planned that day. Perhaps I should make my sign which lists the seven different acts aimed at veterans' welfare which were voted down by those with whom these right wingers have allied themselves, and stand on the Mall and tell them they are full of crap and I for one am sick of their arrogance, presumption, and willful ignorance. Most of all, the ignorance.

Let the teabaggers beware. There will be blowback.

Oops. It appears that "blowback" has already started:
Million Vet March Organizers Condemn Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and the Tea Party


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