The GOP: Nuts, Idiots, and Thieves

  There are only three reasons you might think the republicans and democrats are the same. 1. You're a psychotic prone to hallucinations. 2. You're too stupid to be allowed out in public. 3. You're a lying, thieving shit. There are no other options.
  We're not perfect. We have problems. And we need to have our feet held to the fire on them. But, of the two parties, which one has consistently been better for the economy? (Check any historical graph you like)


   Which one at least vocally espouses support for unions and workers' rights, and which one sold us the idea of "trickle down economics"? Which one supports women's rights, and which one is always "pro-life" and is pushing for vaginal ultrasounds? Which one is supported by Fox News and the lying right-wing echo chamber? Which one fought for civil rights and voting rights, and which one is pushing voter ID laws that disenfranchise millions of voters? Which one gave us the "Moral Majority"? Citizens United? Which one is trying to gut economic regulations to let the crooks run wild? (hmm...Weighing the scales. Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken? Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann, and Mike Lee?) Which party is nominally anti-science? Pro-Dominionist? Which party would give us candidates that would gut minimum wage laws? Which party believes that profit motive is enough to protect the environment (from profiteers...)
I could go on and on.

Roger Ailes, President, Fox News,

"The truth is whatever people will believe,"
"If it's true, we'll find out. If it's not, it doesn't matter."

"And the beat goes on...

Oct 2008: "You'll never get elected and pass healthcare."
Nov 2008: "We'll never let you pass healthcare."
Jan 2009: "We are going to shout you down every time you try to pass healthcare."
July 2009: "We will fight to the death every attempt you make to pass healthcare."
Dec 2009: "We will destroy you if you even consider passing healthcare."
March 2010: "We can't believe you just passed healthcare."
April 2010: "We are going to overturn healthcare."
Sept 2010: "We are going to repeal healthcare."
Jan 2011: "We are going to destroy healthcare."
Feb 2012: "We are going to elect a candidate who will immediately revoke healthcare."
June 2012: "We will go to the Supreme Court, and they will overturn healthcare."
Aug 2012: "The American people will never re-elect you, because they don't want healthcare."
Oct 2012: "We can't wait to win the election and explode healthcare."
Nov 2012: "We can't believe you just got re-elected and that we can't repeal healthcare."
Feb 2013: "We're still going to vote to obliterate healthcare."
June 2013: "We can't believe the Supreme Court just upheld healthcare."
July 2013: "We're going to vote like 35 more times to erase healthcare."
Sept 2013: "We are going to leverage a government shutdown into defunding, destroying, obliterating, overturning, repealing, dismantling, erasing and ripping apart healthcare."

  The following article takes care of about half the stupid and insane GOP. Why should I get away with calling the other half (at least the parts that aren't just con men and thieves) stupid and insane? Because, whatever they think about the gun nuts and conspiracy theorists, they allow them to control the message. They cater to the most base whims of their base. And any "moderate", or self-declared rational member of the GOP is terrified of being "primaried from the right", so must race to the furthest extremes before anyone can accuse them of being soft on liberals.
  And the lying thieves? They can just sit above it all, pay the freight, and have the loonies distract us enough while they saunter out the back with the bulk of the nation's treasure.

  That is the nature of today's GOP. And it's a winning strategy for the 1%.


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