Bigots, Birthers, and Fox News

  Don Lemon of CNN accused the GOP of being dominated by bigots. Fox News and Megan Kelley took that as an affront and insult.

  One word. Birthers.

  One place to look. Fox Nation on FaceBook. Choose any comment thread. Watch the irrational, the bigoted, the hateful just ooze up from out of the Fox stew.

  Live by the bubble of Fox and talk radio, die by it. The New Jersey Senate race, as well as the failure of the Teabagger cause on the debt ceiling and ACA, showed them for their true colors. And they still try to act shocked when we call them on their racism and bigotry.

  "Does it do any good to care anymore? They don't listen to "We the People" anymore." From one of thousands that refuse to see that a black man won two elections by overwhelming majorities, and that the people voted against the GOP overwhelmingly (again) in the congressional races in 2012, the GOP holding onto the House only by gerrymander. This, over the ACA which the GOP and their right-wing "think tank" invented.

  From the Fox News FaceBook page comments:

Obama can't even prove he is a citizen..doesn't know his bday..and was listed as African American when tat term wasn't used then. Dems don't have a conscience"

   One can find thousands of such examples. The whole "Fox Nation" is based on such ignorance.


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