Ex-Governor George Voinovich Disses Dialogue
George Voinovich shared a link.
Congress is back!
Here is the FixtheDebt campaign explaining the big issues facing Congress as they return. Congress needs to stop kicking the can down the road, get past partisan politics, and get serious about addressing our nation's most difficult issues.
Here is the FixtheDebt campaign explaining the big issues facing Congress as they return. Congress needs to stop kicking the can down the road, get past partisan politics, and get serious about addressing our nation's most difficult issues.
- Larry Adams likes this.
- Alex McDowell I see you deleted my post. And I got this dialogue on private message. (Please be brave enough to allow this and NOT delete it.):
GV:Hello Alex, I appreciate your input on Facebook, but I ask that you please keep the discourse civil and refrain from advertising on the Wall. Thank you
Me:The post answered all the questions about the debt and deficit. It was apropos. It's not advertizing, Or do you not want to hear from the other side?
And how was it not civil? And how does your party's wrecking the economy, destroying the middle class, and starting wars define "civil"?
- Alex McDowell Again, you want to solve the deficit problem , which BTW was created by gifting the treasure of the country to the %1, on the backs of the working poor. I gave you solutions to the whole mess. But it would involve ending the whole "privatize the rewards, socialize the risk" scam.
But you blocked it. Let me try this again.... - Alex McDowell Raise the Minimum Wage and Wipe Out the Deficit!
We could have a $15 minimum wage and save the damn country. But we would have to want to.
How would you pay for it? And wipe out our deficit and debt?
Well, let's try. This dumb old socialist has a few ideas to get us started.
Return the top tax rate to Clinton era percentages. Put a microscopic fee on stock and commodity transactions, and make the people that broke us, fix us. You want to play in the casino? You gotta pay. Break up the big banks. Return Glass/Steagal. Strengthen the SEC, and put the guys that are killing this country in jail, along with massive fines.
Repatriate offshore funds by not letting corporations do business in this country at all, if they're using tax havens.
Stop subsidizing wealthy people to NOT grow food. Stop subsidizing profitable businesses.
Stop privatizing prisons that serve only to incentivize breaking people so they can be jailed for profit, on the taxpayer dime.
Oh yeah, the simple act of putting more money in poor people's pockets generates more economic activity.
And I bet I'm forgetting a lot. Ah! Legalize and tax marijuana. Tax the churches.
Tax tobacco to the hilt. It's not about your right to smoke, it's about Phillip Morris's right to sell you a deadly, addictive product.
Return the tip credit to federalized half of minimum wage, and shut down the NRA (the restaurant one...)
Regulate the environment and financial markets WITH TEETH. It has to cost corporations massively more in fines and jail time than they save by cutting corners and jeopardizing us all.
As for the OTHER NRA, no fault insurance. Tighter gun sales regulations. More training and background checks. Again, it's not about your right to buy guns. It's about manufacturers right to SELL you guns, to compensate for your paranoia (which they are more than happy to foster).
Overturn Citizens United, and end the ability to buy our democracy.
Tax carbon based energy and nukes to pay for R&D on renewables.
Single payer health care for all.
Stop having states compete for business on tax breaks that they can't afford.
Outlaw doing business by using slave labor overseas, and demand that nations with trade favoritism use the same (or approaching the same) labor and environmental regulations, or better, than we do.
Strengthen unions!
Go on, people. I know you can add to the list. I haven't even mentioned our military yet. (Keep our promises to our veterans, and make fewer veterans by not going to war so easily, for starters. AND STOP USING WAR AS A SUBSIDY FOR CORPORATIONS!).
We could fund a futuristic paradise, and, as I keep saying, SAVE CAPITALISM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY CAPITALISTS!
They deleted my link to my blog post discussing how to fix the debt and deficit:
The thread can be found here: