
Showing posts from August, 2013

Syria, War, Money, Arms, and Power

   Go ahead. Blow it up. We're going to do it. It's what we do. It's what we've always done. There's money to be made, and power to be gained by the already powerful and wealthy. Our opinion of the havoc it will create for everyone else in the world is irrelevant.    Richard Swan responded to this through FaceBook. I can't copy and paste, so I'm going to have to type his response, and my re-response here. Any typos that may occur will more than likely be my fault, but I'm going to be true to what he wrote.  "I find myself incredulously in agreement with the voices calling for restraint-assuredly for different reasons-but, I am curious as to who you think will profit from this (aside from the obvious meme that we are going to war to boost Rayththeon's stock price which I find to be a puerile argument-someone has to replace the weapons that are used)."   Lobbyists, "consultants", ancillary providers, oil and energy sp...

The Myth of Religious Exemption

 " Now, I'm not advocating being adversarial for the sake of it, or picking fights with people's beliefs as sport, or bullying or intimidating people simply because you don't share their particular brand of faith. But surely, when those beliefs enter the public arena, when those beliefs pick fights with all of us by trying to control our lives, and the lives of our friends and families...surely that is the time to stand up and evaluate the merits of what, exactly, it is that is attempting to control us? People have the right to say and believe any hateful thing they like; but when they say it to us, when they try to govern our and our fellow Americans' lives based on it, I suggest that is the right – and duty – of fair-minded Americans to stand up for what is right, particularly in the political arena, without deference to “religious belief”: if it enters the public arena, it's fair game. If you would criticize someone for espousing the same viewpoint sans god...

Atheist Wine

From Denver, Colorado. Thanks to Faithie Hayes. Tasty red blend, The Blind Watchmaker .

Skeptics and Atheists in a Dangerous and Hostile World Two stories this week. One in India, and one in Bangledesh. Rational people in deadly risk.

Yep. Workers Are Getting Screwed.{%2210200729453623279%22%3A165565343634168}&action_type_map={%2210200729453623279%22%3A%22og.recommends%22}&action_ref_map=[]        All true. But I have one (very) minor bone to pick with the article.    "The trend toward lousy wages began before the Great Recession."     I would think that the trend toward lousy wages played a large part in bringing on the Great Recession.

War In Syria

I think we're at the point where it no longer matters how or why, or if it's a good idea or not. We're probably going to go. It's how we do things.

I'm a Racist and a Bigot

Tess Chapeau Timeline Photos (M) A great point. Thanks to Americans Against The Republican Party for sharing this. Being Liberal Wall Pictures By: Being Liberal Like · · Unfollow Post · August 23 at 4:07am via mobile 6 people like this. Alex McDowell It's kind of hard to take her sentiment seriously while she's wearing that thing on her head. August 23 at 6:48am · Like Tess Chapeau Why? She's a Muslim... August 23 at 7:56am via mobile · Like · 1 Alex McDowell Philosophy, politics, and religion from behind the bar.: Moderate Muslim Against Terrorism? August 23 at 7:57am · Like · Remove Preview Tess Chapeau That's what you said. And it still doesn't make any sense. August 23 at 8:00am via mobile · Like · 1 ...