Stupidest, Most Vile Post To Hit My Page In Some Time
If there was any truth to this whatsoever, African women would be the richest people on the planet, and Rush Limbaugh, politicians, preachers, lobbyists, and TV talking heads would be starving to death.
The stupidity here is just plain evil.
__Just so this doesn't get lost.¬if_t=share_reply :___________________________________
The stupidity here is just plain evil.
__Just so this doesn't get lost.¬if_t=share_reply :___________________________________
- Alex McDowell 5. Poverty is caused by lack of belief? That's just narcissism. Tell that to the millions of people in this country that go to church, work 2 jobs, or more, and still need food stamps. Not to mention the billions of hungry, hard working believers across the world.
- Alex McDowell 6. Thanks for the blog material:
- Alex McDowell I think you, and your god, could use some humility. I thought that was supposed to be a Christian trait.