Fast Food Workers and One FaceBooker "Friend's" Take

  • Let's hope this does not fizzle out.
    • Anthony Balista My biggest issue with this is 90% of fast workers are completely illiterate human beings with no education, no desire to improve themselves, and are generally scummy people. I'm sorry but NO one that sits behind a register that does everything for you that literally takes your money, grabs your food and hands it to you deserves 15 dollars an hour, EVER, for ANY reason.

      With that said, people are making unlivable wages for sure, and definitely need a pay increase.
    • Alex McDowell Put it into perspective and you'll find more and more people being forced out of better paying jobs that have no other choice. The REAL American slave trade is only one facet of what we're coming to accept as "normal". Not "scummy" people. Adults doing whatever they can to try to maintain some sense of dignity in their lives.

    • Alex McDowell"Contrary to stereotypes and the repeated claims of minimum wage opponents, the overwhelming majority of low-wage workers are adults, not teens, and they contribute a substantial portion of their households’ incomes. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, three quarters of minimum wage earners are 20 or older.

      According to the Economic Policy Institute’s State of Working America, a stunning 35 million Americans – 26 percent of our workforce – earn less than $10.55 an hour. "

      www.raisetheminimumwage.comThe overwhelming majority of low-wage earners who would receive a raise by restoring the minimum wage to its historic value are adults who spend their careers in frontline low-wage industries that make our economy run.  Fast-growing low-wage jobs like home care are disproportionately held by female…41 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
    • Alex McDowell They're not "scum". They're your neighbors, your family, and your friends. Your fellow citizens.
    • Anthony Balista Oh no doubt that they're grown adults, and no doubt that they contribute a large majority of their household income, still doesn't change the fact that a large majority of fast food workers are ignorant mean people. This is being stated from experience in dealing with many many many of them over the years, and seeing first hand. It may be worse in my area than other places, but a lot of them are "scummy" people. You don't treat human beings the way that the majority of fast food workers treat people and expect to be called anything else.

      Some of them may become this way as a result of the fact that they make piss poor wages, have to deal with the scum of the earth that walks in to eat on a regular basis, and any other number of factors, but it is what it is. They should certainly be paid better, but not 15 dollars an hour.

      If acting like ignorant jack asses is "normal", then we need to revisit what "normal" means, along with a wage increase.
    • Alex McDowell And this is not an accident. It's entirely by design.
    • Alex McDowell Sorry you feel that way. Your anecdotal evidence is not born out by the statistics, or the facts.
    • Alex McDowell Ask any owner or manager of fast food franchises, even around here, if they would describe their work force the way you just did.
    • Alex McDowell And, come to think of it, you just insulted over 18 million Americans who are slaving away at jobs that we need, but are not enough to make them a living. They are "scum". What percentage of people in suits in corporate board rooms would you use the same epithet for?
    • Alex McDowell How about the lobbyists and politicians that created the milieu that puts these people in this situation? If you wonder what I'm talking about, you can refer to the link to my blog a few posts above.
    • Alex McDowell This is not an accident. This is not "the invisible hand of the free market place". This is by design.

    • And...He continues...:
      Are you not capable of typing more than one thought at a time lol? The owners and managers of a majority of fast food franchises are even worse than the majority of people that work at those establishments. You must not leave your house very often if you don't see exactly what i'm talking about.

      Lol jobs we need. Yes, what this country needs is jobs in a market that helps to slowly kill as many people as cigarettes, that's definitely what the country needs to get back on track. It may be what this place has been reduced to, a corporate cess pool of nonsense and garbage that people spoon feed themselves, but it's definitely not what we need. It is unfortunately, what everyone buys into.

      What does me talking down to the majority of crappy human beings in fast food have to do with whether or not people in corporate settings are just as bad if not worse. The "scummy" people that make up the majority of fast food are made that way primarily because of that exact same group of horrible corporate demons. You seem incredibly incapable of viewing anything through any set of eyes other than the one you insist on being accurate and truthful.

      It is by design, and that partially comes down to the average American being unwilling to make ANYTHING of themselves other than a fast food worker. I've done it, I've lived it, there are PLENTY of terrible people that work in these places, managers, CEO's, and grunts, there are always good ones of course, but the majority are fucking worthless.

      Anthony Balista Yes Paula it does, just like the word ironic can also apply to the fact that a large majority of people who want this 15 dollar an hour nonsense for a skill less job think they deserve to make the same amount of money as people who went to school, decided to do something with their life, and actually make something of themselves. There are plenty of people who are good, hard working, caring and genuinely kind people working in fast food and other such establishments. There are however, a larger majority who haven't done a thing in their lives worth paying them 15 dollars an hour for, let alone thinking they deserve it for working in fast food.
      Anthony Balista Do people need increased wages? Absolutely. Does someone ringing out orders behind a register all day that treats 99% of the customers that walk into their establishment like complete garbage on a regular basis deserve twice what they currently make for doing the exact same job, making their 15 dollar an hour wage more than some people who do actual manual labor and break their backs to support their families? Fuck no.


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