Continuing "The World's Most Predictable Disasters"

Breaking news, another well blows up in the Gulf:
And we still don't know what we're doing. We know how to drill it. We just don't know how to stop the catastrophe we know is coming. What's a Gulf of Mexico matter when there's money to be made?

We had our warnings for the past 50 years, but we're still ignoring them today. We should be deep in efficient, renewable, safe energy by now, instead of in deep shit.

 Thank you, AEI, Koch Industries, BP, Dick Cheney, and Teabaggers. Drill, baby, drill.

And four (count 'em, four) continuing leaks in Canada. "Further complicating matters, a scientist employed by the Canadian government
told The Toronto Star the cleanup process (which has been ongoing for about six weeks) is in a state of "chaos." The whistleblower, who has been on site for the cleanup process, said that officials were "freaking out" because no one seems to know how to stop the leaks."

Hundreds of....Oooops!...spills of all sizes. All over the globe. Every day. Oil, coal slurry, nukes, gas, you name it. And no one knows how to clean them up or fix them. The recurring theme. But we must continue, because it's the only way to fuel the planet. And profit. No to renewables, conservation, clean energy. (We're too stupid to be allowed to live.)


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