George Wallace: History, Redemption, and Reconciliation

“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
George Wallace, 1963

Wallace became the voice and the face of Southern segregationalists and racism for most of his life. It took an assassination attempt and two decades in pain, in a wheelchair, but he came to change his philosophy. He redeemed his image and made amends too late in life for most of us to think about him as anything more than a bigot and an opportunist rabble-rouser who caused a great deal of pain and suffering, and is now the poster child for people on the wrong side of history. Good for him to come to the right conclusion (on race, at least. The born-again Christian reason for it notwithstanding.), too late, but got there. We're still fighting racial bigotry, but now, for the most part, at least the law and history is on "our" side. He lived long enough to be embarrassed by what he stood for.
Gay rights and gay marriage are going to be accepted as normal. That ship has sailed. The law and history is on the side of equality in this country, just a huge swath of our people haven't recognized that yet. How long do you want to be on the wrong side of history? How much more damage do you want to do before you come to your senses? Isn't it time to stop giving power and credence to the troglodytes that want to drag us through the muck of destroying people's lives and wasting our time and resources to prop up a dead ideology?
When the train of history goes down that track, and you're still standing in the way, realize that you're just going to be embarrassed and ashamed. If you live long enough, you're going to have explain to another generation where you stood, and why, and for how long, and how much damage you did. Give it up. Get on the train, or become the face of inexcusable hatred and bigotry, for us all to remember. Redemption, reconciliation, amends. We haven't got the time for your ignorance. It costs us all too damn much.
THAT is a no-brainer.


The train keeps rolling. To the bigots, I say, "Future history will not view you kindly.":

Meanwhile, in Arizona:


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