Hubris: God Loves Me

Humanists, agnostics, and atheists all get accused constantly from the theists amongst us of hubris, or a lack of humility.

Which is the more humble position? Or, for that matter, screw humble. Which is more likely?

A. God created the universe. I know it because a book written over 2,000 years ago tells me so. And in that book, we know that God, in all his glory, created this vast universe just for me (also, created in the IMAGE of god...) to show him how much I love him, so I get to live forever? The book is the book I believe in, so I know it's right, perfect, and flawless.

B. We're here for a brief moment, most likely by accident. There's so much we don't know, but we learn, and we build on what others have learned. We know more than we did, but we know so much less than we will.

Theists should not speak of humility. The whole construct of deities is rife with hubris and conceit.

I keep seeing the same behavior repeated throughout religiosity, Teabaggers, and Fox News. The right-wing true believers keep projecting the weaknesses of their own arguments on their opponents. Hubris, entitlements, whatever. It's a powerful tactic when slung with the ferocity and frequency they employ. A million lies and distortions that have been debunked over and over, and we keep having to go through the motions again, because they believe that it works, that it wears us down (and they have evidence to back them up) .


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