Moderate Muslim Against Terrorism?

  I'm sorry, Yasira, but I cannot take your sentiment seriously while you wear that thing on your head.

  Now, that may be considered insensitive of me, maybe culturally biased. Muslim women claim these headdresses to be a choice, a symbol of their faith, but a choice. I call BS. If it's a choice, then what would happen in most of the Muslim world if she chose not to wear it.
  The headdress is a symbol of oppression. It's an acceptance of fundamentalist terrorism. She, and all Muslim women are terrorized (forced) into wearing it. Even non-Muslim women who visit theocratic Muslim states must cover their heads in obeisance. Her point is weakened by the headdress. Destroyed, really.
   When Muslim women can make basic decisions about their own lives, I may think you were serious. Until then, you play the part that allows jihadist terrorists to flourish.

   And most Christians, I think, have a much harsher view of the WBC. But, your point is good, in that any religion based on fantasies creates the same milieu in which violent fundamentalism will grow and thrive.


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